
Friday of the 13th Week in Ordinary Time

In her journal “Fumbling a Pilgrimage: tale of love, grief and spiritual renewal on the Camino de Santiago,” hospice chaplain and mom Carrie Egan wrote:

“A friend of mine once said as he held up a tangerine that the only thing that allowed him to believe in God, when he had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, was fruit. ‘It was the most perfect thing in the world,’ he said, ‘Beautiful and delicious and healthy for you at the same time. And it came in its own perfect packaging not even the most brilliant human mind could think up such a thing,’ he thought. He could not give up belief in a good and wise and creative God because he had fruit.”

Father Jerry responds in today’s homily, “I think sometimes you have to hang on to whatever you can, when it comes to faith. And if that’s fruit, so be it. The story of Thomas challenges us to look around our own lives with an open heart. To recognize the many signs of God’s love in our midst. We can find God in the love of family and friends. In the nail marks of suffering and brokenness. In the peace of forgiveness and mercy.”

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