More than a committee or a program… STEWARDSHIP… It’s a way of life.
Stewardship is everything we do after we say “I believe.” It is rooted in the recognition that what we have, in fact, all we “own,” comes from God and is freely given. It is what we do with the gifts He gives that defines Stewardship.
Today, a new focus is given to Stewardship as a personal spirituality, something for each of us to embrace as a way of life for a lifetime. The commitment we ask of all parishioners, young and old, is to prayerfully and gratefully see your gifts and share them, here at the parish and with those outside the parish that need care.
The purpose of Stewardship is to:
- Address a basic need within the Church today, the need of parishioners to identify and generate gifts of time, talent and resources that will help the Church and its ministries
- Proclaim a way of life where all parishioners come together, recognizing all the gifts we have been given and using them in joyful service to one another
- Live life as God intended, as caretakers of all His gifts to us
- To live out Christ’s instruction to “love one another as I have loved you.”
Time, Talent and Treasure
Stewardship of Time
Time is God’s most amazing gift, given freely, as we awake each morning. The best way to know how we are to use this gift is to connect to God through prayer. By taking the time to listen, to let God come into our heart, we will come to know what Jesus meant this relationship to be… “come to me you who are weary…learn my ways and I will give you rest…I will carry your heaviest burdens…trust in me and I will lead you every step of the way.” The decision to pray daily begins the conversion of heart so that we can know God’s plan for our time on earth.
Stewardship of Talent
We are all full of many God-given talents. Being a good steward means first we need to discern just how we have been gifted. Here, at All Hallows, we use a strengths based approach to know the gifts we have been given for a lifetime. You are invited to schedule a strengths based survey that will help you identify your gifts for service. To nurture and develop our talents and use them to benefit others allows us to further conversion as we live out the Great commandment, “To love our neighbor as we love ourselves.”
The decision to be a disciple is about inviting God in, and sharing with others. What we share of “our money” is just a way of life that assures the Good News of Salvation is spread and we are a part of that. As stewards, we express gratitude for financial gifts by cheerfully giving from the first fruits of our labors – not by reluctantly parting with a portion of what is left over after other obligations are met. Although there is no minimum or maximum, what is expected is a joyful return based on our belief that God will continue to provide all we need.
Stewardship Resources
- Stewardship Articles from All Hallows
- International Catholic Stewardship Council:
- Pastoral Letter
- International Catholic Stewardship Council