My name is Frank Bugelli.
I am both an old and new parishioner at All Hallows.
First the Old Parishioner…
- My family (Mom & Dad & 3 sisters) joined All Hallows parish in 1973. (I’ll do all of the math for you.) That is 44-years ago. I was 11 years old. That makes me 55 now.
- My sisters went to All Hallows Academy & Uni (now Cathedral) while I went to the public school DECATUR Elementary across the street.
- Let’s just say that the public school was a better match for me.
- I did attend CCD (now Faith Formation) and was Confirmed a Catholic here at All Hallows Parish.
- I went to Muirlands JH, then LJHS then all the way across town to The University of San Diego. I graduated from USD in 84 (age 21) and then served in the US Navy for 20-years.
- I attended Mass at many different Catholic Churches around the world – out in town, on Navy Bases, & on Navy Ships.
- Throughout my travels in the Navy I always considered All Hallows Parish as “home plate” and a great parish to come home to.
And now the New Parishioner…
My wife Nicola & I moved our 4 kids to this parish and school in 2006 (that’s 11 years ago).
- We are blessed to have been able to send our 4 kids Bennett, Jensine, Rhys, & Finn to All Hallows Academy for the last 11+ years.
- Our kids enjoy being a part of the Gathering (high school ages) and Jr. Gathering (7th & 8th grades) Youth Ministries.
- High school students meet every Monday 7-8:30pm.
- 7th & 8th graders meet 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month 7-8:30pm.
- If you know of anyone in these age groups, like say your own kids, encourage them to participate in these programs.
- AHA and the Gathering helped us teach our kids to make the right choices. Together, we help them to choose right over wrong and to avoid choosing the easy path instead of the more difficult path.
Now the Stewardship part…
Shortly after my arrival to All Hallows as a NEW parishioner I heard in one of my favorite Fr. Jerry Homilies – the example of the hitch hiker.
- Now, for the younger parishioners, Hitch Hiking was popular during the ‘60s, ‘70s, & ‘80s.
- The Hitch Hiker would stick his thumb out to get a free ride from any driver willing to stop.
- It was kind of like taking an Uber but there was no cell phone, no app, & no money involved.
- The hitch hiker didn’t pay for anything…
- He didn’t pay for the purchase of the car, the gas, the repairs, the maintenance, the insurance, the registration, nor the cleaning of the car.
- He just got a free ride.
- Well, that was me, hitch hiking my way from Catholic Church to Catholic Church during my 20-years in the Navy. I didn’t really give much of my time or talent to any of the many churches I visited.
The Hitch Hiker example helped me figure out that just attending Mass and giving money to All Hallows Parish wasn’t enough.
About 10 years ago, I told a parishioner, Brigid Young, that I really like numbers & finance. She then introduced me to John Corrente, Chairman of our Finance Committee. When I asked to join his committee, he looked at me like I was crazy but then with a smile said yes I could join.
Although, I feel as though my contribution is small, I enjoy working on the Parish Finance council.
Also about 10-years ago, All Hallows Academy Principal, Mrs. Skeen, then a 3rd grade teacher, asked if one of the parents could help with morning drop-off along Nautilus Street.
I knew this was a job for me.
I call this job “Curb Boy” or helping the little kids safely transition from the car to the curb.
I have a prop (hold up hat & glasses).
You may have seen me on school days before 8:00am signaling to the parents dropping off their kids to “Move on down”.
People often thank me for volunteering on the Parish Finance Council and for working as “Curb Boy”.
I accept their thanks…
But, I often think about all of the other people at All Hallows Academy & Parish who because of their God given talents and their desire are able to contribute so much more.
You must be thinking…
“I’ve got way more talent than this Frank Bugelli guy.”
“He has talked for more than 6-minutes.”
The next step is figure out how to share some of your talent through the many things we do here at All Hallows Parish.
We often wait for someone to ask us to do something.
Well, here is the big ask:
Please share some of your talents with the All Hallows Parish Community.
Thank you!
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