Teen Confirmation

Our Confirmation Coordinator, Mrs. Catherine Adams, invites Parish Teens to contact her via email CADAMS@ALLHALLOWS.COM OR (858) 459-2975 for information regarding Teen Confirmation Preparation. Eligible Parish Teens will receive a mailer with program information. Parish Teens are those who belong to a registered parish family for one year prior to Teen Confirmation Prep and meet the Diocesan age requirement.  Diocesan Policy states that teens must be 15 prior to receiving the Sacrament.

Memorandum dated 11-19-2020 from Bishop Robert McElroy

“To provide uniformity and consistency in the duration of all parish and school sacramental preparation programs (for Confirmation) in the Diocese of San Diego, these shall be two years in length.”

Teens attend 10 am Sunday mass followed by Breaking Open the Word with our Youth Minister.  The group discusses the Gospel reading for approximately 15 minutes.

We meet for class once a month on Sunday from 11:15 am – Noon to discuss the Creed, Prayer, Morality, Sacraments and the Holy Spirit.  Additionally, Teens will attend events and Mass together, including Ash Wednesday, Red Shirt Mass + Living Your Strengths Workshop, Teaching Mass, Holy Thursday and the Easter Vigil.  Teens will prepare Mass worksheets throughout the year.


Parish High School Teens prepare for the Sacrament over a 2-year period as required by Cardinal McElroy for all churches is the Diocese. The Sacrament of Confirmation is conferred during the Easter season of their 2nd year of study.  Teens must be in high school and at least 15 years old to be Confirmed.  This program is for one Sacrament.  Teens seeking Baptism and/or Holy Communion along with Confirmation, attend RCIA classes and receive Sacraments at the Easter Vigil after 2 years of study.

Registration  deadline:  SEPTEMBER 07, 2025 for Confirmation spring 2027

We look forward to welcoming our 2027 Confirmation teens to preparation this coming Fall.  A detailed registration packet is sent directly to registered teen parishioners during the month of August.  Confirmation is a parish Sacrament, meaning that we prepare and celebrate in our parish community rather than at school OR at neighboring churches.  IF you would like your teen to receive information, please make sure that your family is registered at All Hallows Church.

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.  May you have the strength of the Spirit, the power of Prayer and the force of Faith, to live in Service, to Love with all your heart, and to let God Lead you always.  Amen.