Preparing for a Wedding

Thank you for your interest in celebrating your wedding at All Hallows Church. Following is some preliminary information which will be helpful as you begin your decision-making process.

Before You Start

At least one party of the couple must be a practicing Catholic to be married in the Catholic Church.

Couples in which either party has a previous marriage must complete the annulment process and obtain the Decree of Nullity BEFORE contacting the church for a wedding. (All Hallows or your local parish church will be happy to help you with this process.)

The Diocese of San Diego requires a MINIMUM of nine (9) months preparation prior to marriage in the Catholic Church.

All Hallows Parishioners* should contact the parish office to make an appointment with Catherine Adams, Wedding Coordinator.  At that appointment, you will receive complete guidelines and paperwork to begin your preparation.  Your wedding date will be set when you meet with the Pastor/Celebrant.

* A parishioner is someone who has been registered with the parish office and has been actively and regularly participating in the liturgical, ministerial and social life of All Hallows, and financially supporting the parish in a verifiable way for a minimum of one (1) year.

Non-Parishioners are welcome to be married at All Hallows; however, you, the couple, must first secure the services of a priest or deacon, usually from your home parish, and obtain a written commitment stating that he will do the necessary marriage preparation, all required paperwork / documentation (including dispensations), and preside at your wedding. (the Wedding Coordinator has the necessary forms that the priest or deacon needs to sign.)

Also you will need a letter from the pastor of your home parish giving you permission to have your wedding at All Hallows.

Setting the Date

Your date becomes final when a non-refundable $200 deposit is received by the parish office along with the required paperwork from your priest/deacon.  Note:  weddings are not typically celebrated during Lent.

Weddings are normally celebrated on Saturdays at 11:00am or 2:00pm (depending upon availability).  All post-wedding photos and church clean-up must be completed 30 minutes following the ceremony.   Rehearsals are held on the Friday evening before the wedding, depending on the availability of the church.  The rehearsal is scheduled with the All Hallows Wedding Coordinator.


THE DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO requires a multi-part preparation process:

  1. Completion of FOCCUS, online tool for providing couples the opportunity for deeper conversation and understanding of each other before marriage.  Results are discussed with priest/deacon or minister preparing couple for marriage.
  2. Attendance at a Diocesan Retreat Day (Celebrating Your Love) Pre-Cana Conference—a one-day session held on Saturdays at various parishes in the Diocese of San Diego.
  3. Attendance at an Engaged Encounter Weekend. A Friday night to Sunday afternoon event held at a retreat center.

Several meetings with the priest/deacon who will officiate your marriage are needed. In addition, the following are also required:

  • A recently dated ORIGINAL of your baptismal certificate (not older than 6 months before the actual wedding date)
  • proof of Confirmation (if applicable)
  • certificates of completion from the required preparation programs
  • completed pre-marital questionnaire
  • civil wedding license valid in the State of California; and
  • other documents as the priest/deacon may indicate

Wedding Guidelines

Detailed guidelines, will be provided when you meet with the priest or deacon.

Preliminary Guidelines include but are not limited to . . .


  • Use of the All Hallows cantor and organist is required.
  • No recorded/taped music.
  • All music must be in compliance with the guidelines of the Diocese of San Diego.
  • Additional musicians are allowed with the permission of the All Hallows Music Director.


  • Floral arrangements cannot obstruct or interfere with the religious ceremony.
  • No aisle runner.
  • Nothing attached to pews.
  • Nothing placed along sides of pews; candles, pillars, lanterns, etc.
  • Nothing released or thrown on the church property before, during or after the ceremony. (no bubbles, flower petals or rice)
  • Seasonal church decorations cannot be removed.

Photographer / Videographer

  • The dignity of the church setting and wedding ceremony will be maintained at all times.
  • Studio equipment (strobes, umbrellas, etc. are not allowed during the ceremony)
  • Flash photography may not be used once Mass begins.
  • Photographer must wear quiet soles and use silent shutter.
  • Posed photos are allowed up to thirty (30) minutes after Mass.
  • Read the entire Wedding Packet including detailed guidelines before signing any outside contracts.


  • Absolutely NO alcohol is permitted on the premises… before, during and/or after the rehearsal and wedding ceremony.

Wedding Offerings

It is customary to make an offering to the church on the occasion of the of the celebration of a marriage. This offering is for the on-going work of the parish and to cover expenses.

For our current fees call Catherine Adams, Wedding Coordinator at (858) 459-2975.

A $200.00 non-refundable deposit is necessary to secure your date. The balance of your fee is due and payable directly to All Hallows Catholic Church at least one month prior to your wedding.

Additional fees and stipends associated with your wedding at All Hallows are to be paid one month prior to your wedding and are made payable to the following individuals (either in person or by mail in care of the wedding coordinator):

Organist/Pianist: $300

Cantor $200

Altar Server (if required): $25 cash stipend

Priest/Deacon (a stipend commensurate with the time and work spent preparing for the wedding ceremony is customary and most appreciated.)

Possibility of holding your reception at All Hallows

If available, the hall may be used Saturdays between 12 noon – 4 pm.  Note: the hall is not available for destination wedding receptions.

The fee is as follows:
Registered, contributing parishioners: contact coordinator for current schedule
Non-parishioners: contact coordinator for current schedule
All arrangements for using the hall are made through the Parish Business Manager
(858) 459-2975.


Catherine Adams, Wedding Coordinator  (858) 459-2975