
Living the Gospel through Stewardship

In today’s gospel, Jesus sets out some foundation for stewardship as a way of life. To be a steward is to yearn to be his disciple and manifest that longing and need in prayer and service. It is a life that answers the question, “What have I done with what I’ve been given?”

“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish”.

How do we live a life that ensures we never perish?

These are some qualities of a good steward that you will recognize in yourself and parishioners.

  • Stewards live simply as servants to humanity, the Lord, and the community.
  • Stewards look beyond money and see the true need for the Church.
  • Stewards see the vision of this world into the next one.
  • Stewards are agents of change. They must model stewardship behavior.
  • Stewards are all people, including children, poor people, wealthy people, clergymen
  • Stewardship is a genuine religious activity done for the glory of God.
  • Stewards need proper attitudes about money and need accountability.
  • The success of stewardship efforts cannot be measured in financial terms.
  • Stewards are blessed for their personal growth, development and contribution.