Order of Christian Initiation of Adults
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process for those who wish to learn about our Church, or become initiated.
Who is it for?
- Someone who simply wants to learn more about the Catholic Faith
- Someone who has never been baptized
- Someone who has been baptized in another Christian Communion, and wishes to become Catholic
- Someone who is already baptized Catholic and has not received the other Sacraments of Initiation: Eucharist and Confirmation
- Someone who has received all their sacraments except Confirmation
Our All Hallows group meets weekly on Sunday. Classes meet September thru June each year. Ideally, we begin forming our group in August of each year.
What is taught?
Depending, of course, on the needs of the group, the subjects for formation are the teachings and practices of our Church.
For more information, email Catherine Adams at cadams@allhallows.com or call the parish office at (858) 459-2975.
Living Your Strengths
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