Your Stewardship-Peter’s Pence Collection 2023

This weekend of June 24/25, the envelope for the collection for the Holy Father is available. Please return it when you can during the months of June and July.
A worldwide collection for the works of the pope, “Peter’s Pence”, began as an actual “pence” in ninth century England by King Alfred the Great.
Pope Pius IX began the modern-day collection in the 1860s. These appeals have been continually held on the weekend closest to June 29th, the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. Quite different in personality and gifts, these two saints of the early Church remind us that it is not we who choose Christ, but he who chooses us. And because it is the Lord who calls and gives us every good gift (including our finances), we need to be grateful in our response to him.
Because we are stewards and provide a witness of love by all the outreach and charity that is a part of our lives, people know that we are Catholics. Similarly, by the works of the Church throughout the world, we show our solidarity with the Holy Father that distinguishes us as a people of faith ready to respond to the needs of those who suffer everywhere.
The collection:
- Enables the Holy Father to respond with immediate emergency assistance throughout the world
- Involves over 1 billion Catholics worldwide in support of the same mission
- Unites us as signs of mercy for the poor
Pray for the intentions of those who support and are supported by this gift of financial stewardship and give as you have received.
For more information on the collection in the United States, please visit the website at