December is here and soon we will be celebrating the Christmas season. Truth to tell, the commercial Christmas season has already begun. As we reflect on Thanksgiving, and move into Advent, our focus, however, should be on preparing for the birth of Jesus. If we are already grounded in stewardship as a way of life, […]
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Tuesday of the First Week of Advent In today’s homily, Father Jerry tells the cute story of a children’s performance of the nativity scene at the local parish. “The story was read by the pastor and Carol’s were sung,” says Father. At the climactic moment of the story, a heavenly host of children dressed as angels left the pews to gather […]
Continue ReadingThe Feast of Saint Andrew, brother of Simon Peter Today the church celebrates The Feast of Saint Andrew, who was the brother of Simon Peter, and one of the first called to be an Apostle by Jesus Christ. He was first a disciple of John the Baptizer. Tradition holds that he preached first in Greece and died bound to an X-shaped cross. He […]
Continue ReadingThe First Sunday of Advent Today the church celebrates The First Sunday in Advent, which is the four-week season of eager anticipation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas Day. Let us pray. Grant your faithful we pray Almighty God, the resolve to run forth to meet your Christ with righteous deeds, in His coming, […]
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Dear Parishioners, I hope you will agree that our Founders and First Families formed a parish of which we can be truly proud, a parish community built on deep faith and Catholic values. And, as All Hallows’ Parish approaches its Sixtieth Anniversary Year, we will be celebrating that illustrious past; but even more important, we […]
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