
Christmas Mass at All Hallows Catholic Church

“My brothers and sisters, in the name of our All Hallows Catholic Community, welcome to this celebration of the birth of Jesus. All people without exception are welcome here. Whether you come every week, or a few times a year, or perhaps only on this feast, you are most welcome.

Even if it’s been many years since you last darkened the doorway of this or any church, you are welcome here. No matter what your past you belong here, because you belong to Jesus Christ. And Christ, welcomes you as part of His body. Thank you for joining us today. I hope that you feel at home here at All Hallows.”

Fr. Jerry

Please click the play button above to watch this year’s Christmas Mass.

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All financial gifts received by All Hallows Catholic Church, by the 31st of December, may be eligible as a tax deduction for 2020, to the fullest allowance of the law. You may use your credit card / debit card / PayPal at the red button above. Cash and checks may be delivered to our parish office at 6602 La Jolla Scenic Drive South, La Jolla, CA 92037. To donate real estate, vehicles, boats/RVs, stocks and other investments, please call Cindy Bosh in the parish office at (858) 459-2975. Thank you for your support of our parish as we serve the wider community and those in need every day of each year.