
Wednesday of the 5th Week of Easter

“One of the many COVID-19 cartoons that flood my email showed a man sitting alone in his living room thinking: delivery guys, trash pickup, power plant workers, city engineers, cops and firefighters and their support staff, telephone crews, TV station personnel, online tech people, the post office, the food supply chain, and on and on and on,” said Father Jerry in today’s homily. “I never considered how many people I depend on to isolate myself!”

We’ve learned a lot these past several weeks about the many supply chains and networks that make our lives work. Jesus’ image of the vine and the branches in today’s Gospel reading reminds us that, because we are one in Him, we are one as a family and as a church. We are connected one to another. We belong to one another. We are branches of the same vine, planted by God the vine grower.

Watch Father Jerry’s new video and hear his prayer for you and your family, and for all those helpers who make it possible for us to get by during these tough times.