Determined in our efforts to be a Catholic Parish in the spirit of Vatican II, we share these visions into the new millennium:
We envision a Church
where God’s presence is within us and among us,
where our gifts are acknowledged and shared,
where all are welcome.
We envision a Parish
where faith is initiated and deepened,
where ministry flourishes,
where diversity is embraced,
where all are nourished.
We envision a Catholic community
sustained by an abiding faith in God,
humbled by the call to love one another,
energized by the relationships we build,
strengthened by prayer, education, and service.
As Disciples
we claim the Eucharist as central to our worship and our identity as Catholics, we root ourselves in the fullness of the Holy Spirit who guides us in the work of building the kingdom of God, recognizing our need to grow in wholeness and holiness, we commit ourselves to prayer, study and development of our faith, we share authentic and meaningful liturgical celebrations that foster a sense of belonging and involvement in the sacramental life of the Church.
As Stewards
we seek the meaningful involvement of all parishioners as we exercise leadership in the service and mission of the Church, we accept the challenge to proclaim stewardship as our way of life, which defines the role and responsibility we have to parish life, coming together as a community, to recognize all the gifts we have been given, and to use them in joyful service to one another, we act in faith to cherish and protect all of God’s creation.
As Evangelizers
we strive to be a welcoming community, one that reaches out to the needs of all who share life with us, we support the family, especially in the home where faith is first experienced and lived out, recognizing our responsibility for the poor and for those in need of justice, we commit ourselves to walk in solidarity with them, we commit ourselves to ongoing conversion, rooted in the Gospel of Jesus, and the living of our parish mission.