

Some of you have been calling and asking,  “When is our annual spring house build with Project Mercy happening?”  And the answer is… Yes, it is scheduled for this year, but NOT UNTIL the fall.  We actually have a date-Saturday, October 22 and we will designate the month of September to bring awareness to the needs and how you can help be part of the solution to homelessness for the poorest of poor.

And, speaking of changes, we are also designating the month of May in 2023 to The Blessed Virgin Mary and to all Mothers and their needs beyond the parish.  We will acknowledge Respect Life in October, but make the Birthline of San Diego County your charity for May.  More to come, for sure.

And, we will move our Back to School drive into the month of July to best accommodate the recipient needs for backpacks and supplies before school starts up in August.  A co-chair for this outreach is badly needed this year so please look to see if you will have some time in the month of July to help organize the drive.  It’s a perfect call to summertime stewardship right here at All Hallows Parish.

Call the office and ask for Cindy ( for details or with any questions about our calendar changes and your need to get involved.